Sunday, 24 June 2012

30 Day Photography Challenge

It is soon to be JULY and I am excited to mention my challenge. I recommend everyone giving this a go - the 30 day photography challenge. Anyone can do it if you have 30 exposures.

I plan to start on the 1st July (that memory card had better arrive by then - my camera memory card was faulty and I did send it back and no the new one still hasn't arrived. I can't remember the name of the company but I'll look it up and name and shame them. ) and post my photos on the 31st July. Yes, #20 really does say Bokeh



  1. Ah, you are the challenge instigator. I'm in ~ will you have one of those link-back thingees posted?

    I just got a new camera for my birthday and I post tons of pictures on my blog.

  2. That would be really cool if I knew how to do that. If you have like a page with the 30 photos that would be class and then I'd definitely link it. I'm hoping a few other bloggers will do it. I'll have a big blog page when all the photos come in! Up for it?

    1. We Work for Cheese just hosted a writing challenge and used this website to set up the link

      Then each participant is prompted to fill out a popup form before posting. I think you can even approve comments before they are posted, if you want.

  3. Fantastic! I'll have a look at that today. I can't wait to get started!

  4. Fantastic! I'll have a look at that today. I can't wait to get started!
